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Hi Challengers! Wow, there are a lot of you this year.
Your official welcome packets will be arriving shortly, via email. In the meantime, The Great Moose himself has awoken & begun tweeting his daily challenges @thegreatmoose on Twitter, as well as the MHC homepage itself.
Don’t panic if you get a weird broken internet error when visiting this site – we haven’t been hacked, we’re just offline. Our webhost has been experiencing an unusually high amount of downtime this week, which people think has something to do with the internet craziness currently happening in Egypt. (I wish I was kidding.)
But: have no fear, keep taking those pictures, and bookmark just in case.
On behalf of the entire MHC steering committee, we look forward to kicking your ass this year.
Moosemaster D
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Dear friend,
You are cordially invited to join 86% of the world’s elite for the Eleventh Annual Moosehead Challenge, which kicks off Tuesday, February 1 at the time and place of your choosing.
If you’ve never done an MHC or are straddling the fence of your life, wondering if this is the right challenge for you, here’s the executive summary, with some important changes from previous years that should have you going “Damn:”
- It’s a month-long, share-and-vote photo contest, wherein teams and individuals submit pictures of themselves drinking Moosehead beer in unique locations. This is honestly a thousand times more exciting than it sounds. (Past winners can be viewed here.)
- We encourage weekend warriors to participate alongside the hardcore competitors. There are enough of the latter to keep league play going strong; what we want more of are the people who duck in for a day or two each week and blow our minds with their sheer moositude.
- It’s worth emphasizing that, while this is technically a monthlong drinking contest, we’re really only talking one beer a day on the days you want to participate. This meshes well with a high-functioning adult lifestyle. It arguably makes it function even higher, as you’re no longer spending February staring at the wall muttering “When in God’s name is this month going to be over.”
- The website now features *full* smartphone integration, which means you can upload and caption pictures directly from your iPhone/Droid/whatever. Which is huge.
For more information, including a 12 page rulebook that rivals the Magna Carta in elegance and clarity, point your internet at:
Registration is officially open through Saturday 1/29, so register via our signup page with your preferred moose/herd name and we’ll get you all set up and ready to hit the ground running.
May the Antler shine favorably upon you.
Dan and Dave
MHC Steering Committee
Former Olympic Hopefuls
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Team: Petty Meesedemeanor
Date : 2/28/10
Title: Jugufail
Commentary: quite possibly the worst thing ever put on tape. Firemoose has mad skills.
1 comment
Team: Parade of Horribles
Title: … Of All Time
Taken: 2/28/10
Commentary: If you liked it you shoulda put a style point on it.
1 comment
Team Names: Lager Than Life, NAV, Thai-ger
Date : Feb 28, 2010
Title: Jugulation
Date Taken: Feb 28, 2010
Commentary: “Should it be jugulate, jugulate, kazoo, juggle or jugulate jugulate, juggle, kazoo?”
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Team Name: Lager Than Life, NAV, Thai-ger
Title: Smokechaser
Date: Feb 27, 2010
Date: Feb 27, 2010
Commentary: By the end of the month, that Moosehead needs a chaser.
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Team: Team Bacon (Half Slab)
Date: 2/27/10
Am I the only one who finds this insane?
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Date: 2/27/10
Team: G.C. Elk-I-Am
Commentary: Actually, not as bad as you might think.
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Team Name: Lager than Life, NAV
Picture Title: That Sphere is Hyper!
Date Taken: Feb 26, 2010
Commentary: “It’s a sphere of the future!”
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Team Name: Lager Than Life
Title: Surgeons!
Date Taken: Feb 25, 2010
Commentary: Wait…the word wasn’t surgeons? What the hell is a sturgeon?