Posted on February 5th, 2011 by Hana Solo. Filed in Pictures. Comments Off
Title: All the Hookup You Need
Team Name: Hana Solo, Autonomoose
Date Taken: Feb 4
Commentary: An upper hook occurred during an argument over the proper hookup of the jumper cables. (Little known car fact: A six-pack of moosehead lager will jumpstart your car 9 times out of 10.)
And just to be clear: the bike I was using had no brakes, no chain, no seat, no left handle, no air in either of its tires, and it was dragging a deflated innertube behind it.
And I was chugging a beer.
And this is me returning the bike, from whence it came, to the famous Zoobomb Pile:
Posted on February 3rd, 2011 by Hana Solo. Filed in Pictures. Comments Off
Team Name: Hana Solo
Picture Title: Who Says You Need Red Bull for a Jager Bomb?
Date Taken: Feb 2
Commentary: This was taken right before I blacked out and decided to photobomb Thai-ger via the internet. Luckily, they didn’t make me drink the whole bottle of Jager before I left the bar!
Posted on February 2nd, 2011 by Thai-ger. Filed in Pictures. Comments Off
Team Name: Thai-ger, Hana Solo
Picture Title: Moosehead and a Bomb
Date Taken: Feb. 2
Commentary: Sometimes you just want to drink a beer and watch a crappy movie.
Team Name: Thai-ger
Picture Title: Testing My Dedication
Date Taken: Feb. 1
Commentary: Some snobby Brooklyn craft beer store laughed at me when I asked them if they sold Moosehead. Jersey wins again.
For all comic-strip-crafting needs, please visit
Posted on February 2nd, 2011 by Hana Solo. Filed in Pictures. Comments Off
Team Name: Hana Solo
Picture Title: Sound Check
Date Taken: Feb 2
Commentary: These guys were no SWLLC but they helped out with testing, testing, one, two, testing. (With an additional moose in photograph – this bar serves Big Sky Brewing Company’s Moose Drool.)
Posted on February 2nd, 2011 by Hana Solo. Filed in Pictures. Comments Off
Team Name: Hana Solo
Picture Title: Free Testing
Date Taken: Feb 1, 2011
Commentary: The photographer of this picture thought I was very strange, but it’s good to be back!