Team: Parade of Horribles
Title: A Fish Out of Water
Taken: 2/24/10
Commentary: Cornelius was not enthused about spending his last few breaths serving as DD to a bunch of MHC-ers. Such goes the life of a sturgeon.
Posted on February 25th, 2010 by Team Bacon. Filed in Pictures. Comments Off
Team: Team Bacon (Half Slab)
Date: 2/23/10
I’m wearing a shower cap and drinking a Modelo tallboy without my partner in a wet San Jose playground because I thought the word of the day was “oversimplification”.
Team Name: Lager Than Life
Team Title: Tin Can Video Chat
Date Taken: Feb 24, 2010
Commentary: We may have oversimplified this whole “twenty first century communication” thing…but Fun Fact! Bathrooms have great reception.
Date: 2/23/10 Team: G.C. Elk-I-Am Commentary: And ye the Lord spake unto the masses: ”And thou shalt combine yeast and grain and thou shalt ferment said yeast and said grain in a moosen manner and thou shalt take the fermented beverage and thou shalt consume it not once, not twice, but ye for 28 days and 28 nights shalt thou consume this beverage and thou shalt not rest until thou hast completed these commandments. For I am the Lord and thus have I spake.”
Team Name: Petty Meesedemeanor
Picture Title: This Janitor’s Closet Smells Like Weed
Date taken: 2/22/10
Commentary: But it’s where all the circuits are.
Team Name: Lager than Life
Picture Title: Catholicism in the 21st Century
Date taken: Feb 23
Commentary: Digital confession from the comfort of your own bed (and female priests!)
Team Name: Lager than Life
Picture Title: Moose-curls and Moose-ups
Date Taken: Feb 22
Commentary: Even 1820 miles apart, we are still completing the circuit