Author Archive

Parade of Horribles Better Late Than Never

Posted on March 1st, 2013 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Better Late Than Never

Thai-ger and the Parade of Horribles (minus 1) missed you so.

Parade of Horribles Fade Into Darkness

Posted on March 1st, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Over the years, many places have played background to our Moosehead drinking… but we’ve still got a few left to share.

Farewell, MHC. It’s been grand.

Parade of Horribles Litchee Harvest Season on the Plantation

Posted on February 28th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Litchee Harvest Season on the Plantation

These meese have genetically engineered this Litchee tree to produce pre-packaged litchee jellys.

Parade of Horribles My, What a Fine Baldric You Have

Posted on February 28th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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My, What a Fine Baldric You Have

In ol’ Virginny baldrics are all the rage these days.

Parade of Horribles Show Me on the Moosehead Where He Touched You

Posted on February 26th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Show Me on the Moosehead Where He Touched You

Dr. Antlers specializes in Gestalt. The rest of us specialize in sad drinking.

Parade of Horribles Nants Ingonyama Bagithi Baba

Posted on February 26th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Nants Ingonyama Bagithi Baba

From the day this Moosehead arrived on the planet, it was destined for its birthright- MHC greatness.

Parade of Horribles We Found Moosehead in a Bud Light Place

Posted on February 25th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Parade of Horribles MHC Goes High Fashion

Posted on February 24th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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MHC Goes High Fashion

Annie Liebovitz was sadly unavailable for this sophisticated shoot, but we made do.

Parade of Horribles To Kill a Moosehead

Posted on February 24th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Prosecuting people under vagrancy statutes really is a lost art.

Parade of Horribles To Kill a Moosehead

Posted on February 23rd, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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To Kill a Moosehead

This meese finally has her day in court and is forced to pay for her crime.

Trailer to follow…

Parade of Horribles The Very-Asian and the Variation

Posted on February 23rd, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Very Asian and the Variation

One of these Meese got a 2 on her BC Calculus exam. Can you guess which one?

Parade of Horribles These Zorro-astrians Don't Joke Around

Posted on February 21st, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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These Zorro-astrians Don't Joke Around

Parade of Horribles The Moosehead of Zorro

Posted on February 21st, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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The Moosehead of Zorro

Weekly Zorro-astrian meeting place.

Parade of Horribles Kickin' Back in the Henhouse

Posted on February 20th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Kickin' Back in the Henhouse

A little relaxation, gossip, and Moosehead while the Vietnamese ladies work their magic.

Parade of Horribles A Fine Day for Moosehead-Tasting

Posted on February 20th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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A Fine Day for Moosehead-Tasting

Drinking Moosehead out of paraboloids is just so much classier.

Parade of Horribles A Frog is Just a Cuter Toad

Posted on February 19th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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A Frog is Just a Cuter Toad

Do toads also serve frozen yogurt?

Parade of Horribles Feeling a Little Taboo

Posted on February 19th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Feeling a Little Taboo

One meese loves to reach into fountains for coins and fishies; the other meese considered drinking a (gasp!) blue moon!!

Parade of Horribles I’m Starting With the Man in the Mirror

Posted on February 17th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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I'm Starting With the Man in the Mirror

If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and drink a Moosehead.

The spirit of MJ is in all of us.

Parade of Horribles The Life of Pi

Posted on February 15th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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The Life of Pi

The Sigma Pi boys may be passed out from all the Fratty Lite, but Parade of Horribles is rocking the Moosehead.

Parade of Horribles Basil. Lard.

Posted on February 15th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Basil. Lard.

Fine cuisine and fat – a match made in heaven. Also, yes, she is feeding a box of land-o-lakes Moosehead.

Parade of Horribles Meatless in the Meatus

Posted on February 14th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Meatless in the Meatus

Parade of Horribles goes vegetarian.
Also, meatus has got to be the grossest word in the English language.

Parade of Horribles Me and My Homunculus

Posted on February 13th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Me and My Homonculus

Parade of Horribles Just Drinking Some Moosehead with our Homunculi

Posted on February 13th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Just Drinking Some Moosehead with our Homonculi

Everyone has a homonculus out there.

Parade of Horribles Hanging with TJ

Posted on February 11th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Hanging with TJ

What, your balconies don’t come with balustrades and Declarations of Independence?

Parade of Horribles …and then I don’t feel SO BAD

Posted on February 10th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Parade of Horribles Vandal 4 LYFE

Posted on February 10th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Vandal 4 LYFE

Magneto was RIGHT, bitches.

Parade of Horribles A Few of My Favorite Things

Posted on February 9th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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A Few of My Favorite Things

The Von Trap family is back once again! These great Austrians are fearless in the face of a storm — as long as they have their Moosehead.

Parade of Horribles Faith Hill and Garth Brooks Play to a Sold Out Crowd

Posted on February 9th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Faith Hill and Garth Brooks Play to a Sold Out Crowd

… except not really.

Parade of Horribles Tale as Old As Time

Posted on February 8th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Tale as Old As Time

Lancelot’s making eyes at Guinevere, while Arthur’s only got eyes for Excalibur. And Merlin? Well, he’s just Merlin.

This happy rock garden is unfortunately located right next to the State Police.

Parade of Horribles A Few Good Minions

Posted on February 7th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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A Few Good Minions

The cast of ”Despicable Me” decides to scope out the full moon at the observatory, as part of their quest for steal it for their own and become the greatest villans of all time!

Minions: never leave home without them!

Parade of Horribles This Couch Looks Pretty Seaworthy

Posted on February 5th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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This Couch Looks Pretty Seaworthy

Sorry for pirating your superbowl party, but we’ve got places to go.

Parade of Horribles Walked Down the Wrong Gas-o-Hall

Posted on February 5th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Walked Down the Wrong Gas-o-Hall

It wasn’t pretty.

Parade of Horribles Heroes in a Half Shell

Posted on February 5th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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Turtle Power!

Parade of Horribles They’re the World’s Most Fearsome Fighting Team!

Posted on February 4th, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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They're the World's Most Fearsome Fighting Team!

Down in the sewers, it’s not mutagen, it’s Moosehead!

”I’ve grown up with a horrible fear of the ninja turtles… but i’m in” – Leonardo

Parade of Horribles We Live in a Landlocked Town

Posted on February 3rd, 2012 by . Filed in Pictures.
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We Live in a Landlocked Town

Second Mate: ”Cap’n, whar be t’ sail?”
First Mate: ”Cap’n, thar be no water in these parts!”
Cap’n: ”What be this fancy lady doin’ here?”
Fancy Lady: ”Um, seriously? Where’s the sale?”