When you spend your whole paycheck on Moosehead, you have to resort to more primitive means of food acquisition: hunting and gathering around the house.
Josh got home from work before I went to bed, so we got to re-shoot this classic. This time, featuring honorary herdsman / director of photography Eric.
Posted on February 3rd, 2010 by Team Bacon. Filed in Pictures. Comments Off
The King of the Goblins steals a Moosehead from the Pale Man, then forgets to shove it down the front of his pants. This is otherwise a pixel-perfect mashup.
With nothing but moosehead and blankets to keep warm, the natives huddled by their totem pole, built a moosehead fire, and made a sacrifice to the gods.
Posted on February 1st, 2010 by Team Bacon. Filed in Pictures. Comments Off
We thought we’d start this year in the saddest way possible, by getting locked out of Rite Aid at 8:59pm, then having to take a cameraphone picture in a cold, wet bus stop with roughly seven gummi bears. We have nowhere to go but up.