Team Name: Lager Than Life
Title: Alien Invasion!
Date: Feb 16, 2010
Commentary: Extraterrestrial life has finally noticed how much human technology has advanced, particularly in the realm of Canadian beer production, and have come to claim Moosehead for themselves.
Team: Petty Meesedemeanor
Title: It’s a Bird? It’s a Plane? NO it’s a STRIX!
Taken: 2/14/10
Commentary: Turns out a strix is merely a nocturnal jaculus.
Posted on February 16th, 2010 by NAV. Filed in Pictures. Comments Off
Team: NAV
Title: Mine Shaft Parking
Taken: 2/15/10
Commentary: With snow, ice, a garage, and two fences, this parking spot is narrower than a mine shaft!
Posted on February 15th, 2010 by NAV. Filed in Pictures. Comments Off
Team Name – NAV
Title – Horace’s Love Potion
Date Taken – Feb 14, 2010
Commentary – Magical Strix feathers and moosehead make for a great valentine’s day love potion
Posted on February 14th, 2010 by Team Bacon. Filed in Pictures. Comments Off
Team: Team Bacon
Date: 2/14/10
Ovid tells the story of striges attacking the legendary king Procas in his cradle, and how they were warded off with arbutus and placated with the meat of pigs. This is a f*&#ing lie.
Team: Parade of Horribles
Title: Whooooo’s There?
Taken: 2/14/10
It was turning out to be a great “Gal”-entine’s Day until they spotted the strix staring down at them from above.
Posted on February 14th, 2010 by Team Bacon. Filed in Pictures. Comments Off
Team: Team Bacon
Date: 2/13/10
Actually closer to aversion therapy, as this was by far the scariest picture we’ve taken all year. Deep behind enemy lines, huge penalty for failure, etc. Intensely therapeutic.
Team Name: Lager Than Life
Title: An Amoosing Evening
Date: Feb 12, 2010
Commentary: We brought our odalisques out for a night on the town in…yes, that’s right…our limo.