Title: Show me your thumbs
Title: Hokie Drinker, Moosemaster D, Dr. Jewett
Date: 2/18/11
A really uninteresting video of three people drinking Moosehead on a couch. We qualify as fakirs because our legs are crossed & we all fit the IRS’ definition of “mendicant”.
Title: drinkd
Teams: Moosemaster D, Canadian B
Date: 2/17/11
In Unix and other computer multitasking operating systems, a daemon is a computer program that runs in the background. Typically daemons have names that end with the letter “d”: for example, syslogd, sshd, moosehead.
Title: Wood Beats Water
Team: Moosemaster D, Canadian B
Date: 2/15/11
You want to plant a tree here? There will be consequences. Specifically, the tree will one day die of irony when it’s engulfed by flames that can’t be put out.