Wet Waddle alcahest

Posted on February 6th, 2011 by . Filed in Pictures.
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I recall from Bio 101 that water is the universal solvent…nothing hypothetical about it.

4 comments to “alcahest”

  1. Comment by Spectator:


    Maybe you should write for Family Guy with that level of effort.

  2. Comment by gizzard:

    says the SPECTATOR..

  3. Comment by Moosemaster D:

    Hey Spectator,

    If you don’t have something nice to say, at least sign your name to it. A server-side malfunction caused Wet Waddle’s most recent photo to overwrite her previous one. Get out from under your high horse and either get in the game or stay out of our beach community.

    Moosemaster D

  4. Comment by wet waddle:

    Dear Spectator,
    I’m sorry, but I’m not attracted to unichs, so you should take your third-grade-reverse-psychology method of hitting on someone by being a dick to them, somewhere else. Thank you!:)
    -Wet Waddle